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Who am I?

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

Time for a riddle:

"I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearences and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mistery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try, I will never go down. Who am I?"

Styling & Credits:

KNIFU - World Order Face Tattoo (EvoX). All seeing (forehead), Spider web, Reptilian (below right eye), Illuminati (left forehead). Unholy (chin).

KNIFU - Devils Idol Hand Tattoo (BOM).

[ELOS] - K0042 - Hairbase + Beard + Facetattoo (nose snake, Trust no one, Energy eye).

FLAMME - Poseidon nose piercing.

MSB!- Ahpush Ears skin BOM - Only ^^Swallow^^ PIXIE Gauged S F/M.

All the items are availabe @Abstrakt Event running from September 15th to October 5th.

Other styling and credits

^^Swallow^^ - Gauged S for lel Evo X Ears (m) (Wear) 2.0

[LEGACY] - Meshbody (m) (1.2)

LeLUTKA - Eon Head 3.1


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